Anacreon vs. Legion

s quoted out of the Wraith Players Guide pg. 58 “…any Anacreon who finds herself suddenly without a job, and her position assumed by one of her staff of advisors, obviously did not choose her Overlords or Chancellors with enough care.”

That statement pretty much sums up the Anacreon vs. Legion level of intrigue. How does one reach for the brass ring when there are any numbers below you wanting to kick you aside so they can reach for it also? And, they need your position to get it?! The Anacreon, for all intents and purposes, is God in their legion in their citadel. But, only if your legion will back you. You have to be certain who in your legion is friend, and who has enough ambition to say “to hell with friends.”

On the other hand, your subordinates must be careful as well. You DO have the power to order their branding, imprisonment or (gasp) their discorperation. The Anacreon is still ruler over his legion in his citadel.

But, let’s say an overthrow works but the successor is unclear. Don’t expect any help from the other legions. An empty chair at the Anacreon council is one less hurdle the other Anacreons have to get their agenda through. Or worse, the other Anacreons may not recognize the “new” leader. So, if you make the grab for power, better make sure everyone is on your side first.