The Tribunal of Necropoli

he Tribunal of Necropoli is the highest meeting body in the Hierarchy in any national boundary. When the Necropoli were initially being formed it was much easier for Stygia to directly rule over them by making inspections and checking policy. As times have changed the erratic nature of the Tempest and the constant threat of attacks from roving bands of Spectres, Renegades, or bandits has made constant travel between Stygia and the Shadowlands less than reliable. This combined with Stygia’s growing preoccupations with its own affairs, has caused the Necropoli to be left to their own devices. Since the disappearance of Charon, having the Tribunals based around national boundaries became accepted practice as Stygian officials became more preoccupied with other things. The Tribunal made the most sense and now allows the officials to be able to meet with all Necropoli in an area at once.

In terms of game play, a Tribunal has jurisdiction over the region(s) they are called in. In the UK, a Tribunal covers the entire nation and in the past covered Ireland as well. In the United States, a Tribunal in the Pacific Northwest would cover only the Northwest of the nation. The borders are the OOC regions of the US -- this rule was implemented due to OOC game size. Truly national Tribunals in the US are only ever convened at national events.

An interesting side effect of this is that if an Anacreon Council of a Necropoli from a different nation or region wishes to attend another nation's or region's Tribunal, they can. If they wish to take part then they agree to stand by the rulings of that Tribunal. For example, a Council from Germany taking part in a Tribunal in Ireland agrees to stand by the rules dictated there; for definition's sake, taking part is the process of voting on any issue. One may speak freely and not take part – because the act of casting a vote is all that matters. It is still possible to influence Tribunals elsewhere in the nation outside your region. It is at the Tribunal gatherings that differences are settled, old scores paid off, complaints heard, common policy agreed upon... in short, it is the way that the councils of Anacreons get to interact, back-stab and generally have fun at each other’s expense.

Given the size of nations and considering that within each region there will be at least one Tribunal a year, it is painfully obvious that not every Necropoli’s Anacreon Council can reach every Tribunal. This can present a problem if they are part of the region (or nation) and a Tribunal that they cannot attend is debating something they feel passionately about, or that will affect them adversely. The Council could send representatives or have a nearby Necropoli cast their vote for them... but there is an easier way. They can form a political alliance with other Necropoli and take part in a major Citadel vs. Citadel level of intrigue.

Tribunal of Necropoli Rules

Representatives for the Anacreons

An Anacreon’s Representative can be anyone from their home Necropoli, but they must also uphold the following:

Necropoli of Bad Standing

A Necropoli is judged by its fellow Necropoli. The worst thing that can happen is to be called a "Necropoli of Bad Standing."

Motion of Bad Standing

Acts, which automatically qualify for a Motion of Bad Standing to be put against a Necropoli (it still has to be voted upon by the fellow Necropoli)...

Other than this, anything can be used to bring a Motion of Bad Standing against a fellow Necropolis; it is just role-played out. Remember that if you bring a Motion and it FAILS, you automatically suffer one against you. You have dared to accuse another Necropolis of a transgression and possibly undermine the stability of the Hierarchy in the Shadowlands, and the majority of Necropoli will not support you. You are obviously unsuitable for the standards of the Hierarchy.


As you can see, being a Necropoli of Bad Standing means increased political instability and the wraiths from there are treated terribly. This is how it is meant to be. Remember, to gain Bad Standing means the Anacreon Council has not acted in a manner expected by its peers. Hopefully, this will create a situation of instability and upset and the Anacreon Council will be forced to make it up to the other Necropoli before the underlings decide to topple the Council, which is now MUCH easier to do (rank vs. rank intrigue).

Motions of Bad Standing and the Tribunals where they are discussed are the main IC way the Campaign is policed. It places the moderation of the society in the hands of the PCs. Henceforth, if a Citadel is faced with a nearby Necropolis which harbors (or seems to harbor) rogue Hierarchy members, renegades, heretics or any minions of Oblivion and is unhappy with this, they no longer bother the ST’s about it. The Necropoli simply react IC- they call a Tribunal and place a Motion of Bad Standing against their fellow Necropoli. If enough Necropoli’s agree then the Wraiths of that Necropolis shall suffer until either the Anacreon Council or someone else within that Necropolis sorts out the problem once and for all. All interaction is now regulated IC.

What is acceptable IC behavior? That is for the Councils of Anacreons throughout the Necropoli to decide. These Protocols do give a hint as to how it goes.

In short, a good Citadel is one who upholds the Status quo -- does not rock the boat, maintains a strong Necropolis and works with fellow Necropoli to enforce stability and security throughout the Shadowlands. To do anything else is leaving you open to a Motion of Bad Standing.

The main problem with Motions of Bad Standing is that if you call one and it fails you automatically have one brought against you.

OOC note: At this level of event it is not uncommon for high level NPC’s to be present such as The Unlidded Eye and any number of the Deathlords of the Legions, so being on your best behavior is advisable. Once again, all these characters are NPCs and are not eligible to be played by any PC.