Centurions and Adjustors


For those fortunate enough to achieve promotion to Centurion and receive their own patrols, a whole new world of social and political maneuvering opens up. In theory, Centurions gain their position through superior performance (or judicious brown-nosing). Therefore, holding onto their ranks as patrol leaders becomes an endless struggle to stay one step ahead of the rank and file. A few wraiths seem to find their niche as patrol leader, the veteran “Sergeant” stereotype of many war films or the un-ambitious office or assembly line worker. However, most Centurions are intent on moving upward, and see their status as a convenient way to catch the attention of their superiors. Within the administrative arm of the Hierarchy, Adjustors see their roles as only the first step toward gaining real power within the Hierarchy. In corporate terms (and in some ways the Hierarchy can also be viewed as a vast corporation), the Centurions and Adjustors make up the lower – middle management, the talent pool from which a few individuals are chosen to fill openings higher up in the “company.”

Centurions who achieve recognition for their abilities or successfully maneuver themselves into their superiors’ good graces, may be promoted to the rank of Marshal and gain responsibility over a number of patrols – and their Centurions. At this level of authority, true talent wins out over looks and charm, and most successful Marshals can point to exemplary track records to support their claim to power.


  • In charge of groups of Legionnaires and making sure that roving patrols are kept up to secure the areas around the Necropolis.


Adjusters not only supervise the activities of several clerks, they also serve as staff aides to higher-ranking officials. They hold most of the “middle-management” posts in Stygia and the Shadowlands, and while they do not themselves wield enormous amounts of power, they have access to individuals who do. They hold the honorary rank of Centurion.


  • Responsible for the upkeep of the master database of all sanctions and status that are kept in the Citadel.