Fate Lore x 1
Fate Lore x 2
- The Legion of Fate is made up of those that Fate has marked as her own.
- The Lady of Fate rules from the Seat of Fate.
- Promotion in the Legion of Fate’s military and bureaucracy is entirely by merit, through the ranks and all start at the bottom, yet no legionnaire will “cross-over” into the bureaucracy.
- The Deathmarks of the Legion of Fate are usually much more obvious than those of the average wraith: The inward-turning spiral, the joined circles, the infinity symbol, joined rings, an hourglass, a yin-yang or a pair of concentric circles generally referred to as Odin’s Eye.
Fate Lore x 3
- Has heard of the Legion's Special Orders.
- The Seat of Fate is not located in Stygia but on the Isle of Eurydice.
- Understands how the Legion of Fate’s military and bureaucracy is setup and run in the Shadowlands.
- The Legion of Fate compensate for their lack of numbers by being extremely skilled at their duties and a majority of troops are skilled in Fatalism.
- Expected to question orders that seem stupid or suicidal.
- The legion’s members are never allowed to disobey orders. To do so brings a future in the exciting field of lawn ornamentation.
Fate Lore x 4
- Is familiar with the Special Orders.
- Is familiar with famous Legion of Fate Legionnaires.
- Knows fates Anacreon is served directly by three subordinates: the Chancellor of Reaping, the Chancellor of Politics and Administration, and the Overlord of Military Affairs.
- Has heard rumors that the Legion of Fate underwrites certain reformist factions in Stygian politics who might be called Renegades.
- Know that the Legion of Fate hasn’t come out against the idea that Transcendence is a myth and the rank and file tend to practice a “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy.
Silent Lore x 5
- Is probably a member of a Special Order.
- Has heard of the Reed boats that have been drawn up on the banks of Ripple Bay, sometimes as many as several at a time.
- Is very familiar with The Order of the Scarlet Sword.
- Has possibly visited the Island of Eurydice.
- Fate’s Provincial Anacreon has total autonomy in their territory.
- Has a fair idea how many Ladies of Fate there are.
- The Ladies of Fate may be secretly giving support to the Ferrymen.
- The Legion of Fate seems as if it is preparing for something to do with Transcendence....and their operations, as of late, have been directed toward this goal.
Based On Information In: The Book of Legions, White Wolf Publishing Inc. Copyright 1998