lthough the Guilds are not supposed to exist, they continue to thrive to this day. Due to the nature of their Arcanos, some Guilds are natural allies and others are natural enemies. Some have a deep-seated hate dating back to the War of the Guilds or the revolt against the Hierarchy, while others could care less. The Guilds basically have a love/hate relationship with each other. They’re allies in their banishment and purpose, enemies in their methods and views.The Spooks like the Haunters but hate the Monitors. The Masquers like the Usurers, Chanteurs, and Sandmen, but don’t get along with the Solicitors or Monitors…and everyone hates the Mnemoi. It can get confusing who likes who and who doesn’t. The Council of the Guilds is still together and meets regularly, and all Guilds have their own structure and still vie to out do the other. So, if you’re looking to get into this level of intrigue you’re going to have to do your homework because this could be a game unto itself.