Marshals and Inspectors


Marshals, in the Hierarchy’s quasi-feudal framework, occupy the place of minor lords. Many wraiths that have risen to the rank of Marshal fall prey to the complacency associated with being a big fish in a small pond. Others find they enjoy the idea of having power over a well-defined area (usually a Haunt of some significance) and use their small influence to implement their own particular philosophy of leadership. Marshals often find themselves beset by pressures from both above and below. They are close enough to the “troops in the fields” to be aware of their needs while they themselves are subject to orders from above – orders which are often at odds with the real needs or capabilities of the available patrols. Administrative Inspectors share the difficulties of their military counterparts, with whom they are expected to establish a cooperative relationship. When military and civil needs come into conflict, however, Marshals and Inspectors usually bear the brunt of the ensuing power struggles.

As the primary enforcers of local policies, Marshals and Inspectors are subject to criticism from both superiors and subordinates when things go wrong, although successes are more often attributed to the “wisdom” of their superiors in the Hierarchy. Nevertheless, a Marshal (or Inspector) skilled in manipulation can sometimes manage to reverse this perception. Failures can appear to result from poor conceptualization at higher levels, while successes seem to come from their own tenacious efforts. Marshals who prove themselves, and who maintain favorable relations with their superiors, may become Regents.


  • Are allowed to set the “plunder policy” within their legion, may allow Legionnaires the right to keep what plunder they find or take it away as they see fit. More lofty Hierarchy officials may intervene to confiscate any plunder only when word of its possession filters upward, and only if an item is specifically sought after by a bureaucrat or if a prize seems too powerful or dangerous to be in the hands of a grunt.
  • Are responsible for the Barghests that are issued to them. A Marshal who loses Barghests repeatedly must answer to the Overlord eventually – not unlike how a rebellious policeman that keeps wrecking patrol cars is called into his captain’s office.


Inspectors are in charge of administering a particular area around a Citadel (in the Shadowlands) or a specialized sub-department of the government (in Stygia). They work closely with the Legions’ Marshals, and cooperation between the two parallel ranks is crucial to ensure that things run smoothly. Crossover between the civil and the military wing of the Hierarchy is fairly common at this level. Inspectors hold the honorary rank of Marshal.


  • Is responsible for maintaining contact with inspectors from other Necropoli and help maintain information concerning Sanctions that are received/paid in the other Necropoli as well as status changes.