Pauper Lore x1
Pauper Lore x2
- The Legion of Paupers is made up of the victims who died by mysterious means.
- The Beggar Lord rules from the Seat of Golden Tears.
- The Legion is most tolerant of radical differences and behavior.
Pauper Lore x3
- Despite being few and far between and overall overlooked its most prominent members are intelligent, well socialized and strong-willed.
- Has heard of the Legion's Special Orders.
Pauper Lore x4
- Is familiar with the Special Orders.
- The Beggar Lord will accept all wraiths whether other legions want you or not.
- Is familiar with famous Pauper Legionnaires.
- Knows of the local Paupers, and the Anacreon.
Pauper Lore x5
- Is probably a member of a Special Order.
- Even if you solve the mystery of your death you may not leave the Legion·
- Knows the Pauper Anacreons of several citadels of the region.
- Know the Beggar Lords Sanity is Questionable·
- Has heard rumors that the return of the Guilds is supported…whatever.
- Not sure the Legion of Paupers is as small as everyone says it is
- Has heard of strange happenings going on weekly in the Seat of Golden tears....
Based On Information In: The Book of Legions, White Wolf Publishing Inc. Copyright 1998