Penitent Lore x 1
Penitent Lore x 2
- The Penitent Legion is made up of those who died of Insanity or were killed by those who were insane.
- The Laughing Lady rules from the Seat of Succor.
- Since insanity fuels Oblivion, the Penitent Legion must make up for their madness in the Skinlands, thus the legion’s name penitent.
- The Deathmarks of the Penitent Legion symbolize the debt that is owed. Penitent wraiths are stained with blood and they proudly display their greatest fault for all to see.
Penitent Lore x 3
- Those who enter the Seat of Succor do not return and if they do, they do not speak of it and are…different.
- The Penitent Legion fights twice as hard, work twice as fast, and attack Oblivion with twice the fury of other Legions to make up for their insanity in the Skinlands.
- Has heard of the Legion's Special Orders.
- Has heard of the leader of the military forces of the Penitent Legion; a wraith named Liamh.
Penitent Lore x 4
- Is familiar with the Special Orders.
- Psychopaths who cannot conform to the conditions of life after death find themselves Moliated into gargantuan, lobotomized beasts of war.
- Is familiar with famous Penitent Legionnaires.
- The Penitent was against the dissolution of the Pardoners Guild, and offered shelter to many of the Guild’s members following the revolt.
- The Penitent Legion would like to destroy Renegades and absorb Heretics into their ranks.
- Penitent Reapers will go to any means to claim souls for the legion.
Pauper Lore x 5
- Is probably a member of a Special Order.
- Knows of the local Penitent, and the Anacreon.
- Is very familiar with the Razors Song and the Flesh Corp and maybe has witnessed them in action.
- The Laughing Lady rarely ventures outside of the halls of the Seat of Succor.
- The Laughing Lady knows more about the whereabouts of Charon than she lets on.
- Information that the Laughing Lady is able to glean from the Storm Maidens’ observations means that she knows more about the Tempest & the Labyrinth than any other Deathlord.
- The higher officials in the Penitent Legion maintain covert ties to the underground Pardoners Guild.
Based On Information In: The Book of Legions, White Wolf Publishing Inc. Copyright 1998