Rank vs. Rank

he old axiom “power corrupts, but absolute power corrupts absolutely” has never been truer than in Rank vs. Rank intrigue. The never-ending struggle between those who have power and those who want power continues to be played out daily here at this level. The key in the Hierarchy is to bide your time, make your connections, and when the time is right make your move. The ministrations between the ranks are subtle. After all, you’re dead, why move too fast and make silly mistakes?

It is also best if you move up the chain in consecutive order. To be too low on the totem pole and make a grab for power that is several ranks above you, upsets the balance in the Hierarchy and gets everyone, regardless of Legion, on your tail to put you down. You are seen as a threat or a loose cannon and you could be branded as a renegade. For example:

Let’s say a Centurion has been coveting the Regent’s position for about a year now. The Centurion goes to the Overlord when he spies (what he thinks) is just the screw up he’s been waiting for to replace the Regent.

Now, this can go several ways, and here are just 2 examples:

1. The Overlord hears his case, doesn’t like the Regent, and sends his recommendations to the Anacreon to have the Regent replaced. Or…

2. The Overlord sees this upstart little Centurion trying to make his move up the ladder (the Centurion might just be a good citizen, but most higher-ups don’t usually see it that way) and figures he’ll nip a potential threat right now – so he replaces the Centurion.

In the first scenario, getting the Regent replaced didn’t do the Centurion much good. Sure, the Regent is gone but now it’s the Marshal moving up to fill the void, and a new Marshal will be chosen by the Anacreon who has no idea who the Centurion is. The chances of the Centurion gaining that promotion are pretty slim, however, if the Centurion bides his times and makes the proper connections and gains the proper support first… well, nothing is impossible…

But subordinates must remember to be wary as well; because the Hierarchy is based on the feudal system of swearing your allegiance to those higher than you, those lower on the totem pole are often at the mercy of their superiors. Higher-ups in a Legion can always “allow” their subordinates to cross the Shroud – or even order them to take Skinlands missions – and then later “discover” the Dictum transgression when blackmail material is needed.

All members of the Hierarchy should use extreme care and discretion in their actions or risk great repercussions later. Hey, no one said the system was kind!