Regents represent the higher authority not directly based within a Necropolis’ citadel. Attaining these honored positions implies that a wraith has demonstrated their loyalty to the establishment of Stygia, while at the same time attracting enough favorable attention to warrant a substantial reward. The Hierarchy depends on its Regents to coordinate the activities of a number of Marshals. Regents must be able to work within their own Deathlord’s Legions as well as maintain working relationships with their counterparts in the service of other Deathlords. They receive instructions directly from the Citadel, and it is their responsibility to see that the sectors of the Necropolis under their control remain stable. Given the current state of Stygian affairs, this is not an easy task. A Regent who manages to keep their neck of the woods even relatively stable will sometimes receive an invitation to join the ranks of the privileged few who serve as Overlords – advisors to the Anacreon of their Legion.
Ministers in Stygia serve as department heads and oversee the wok of the Inspectors within their department. In the Shadowlands, they are in charge of the economy, the entry and egress of wraiths, and the collection of information in the Haunts around the perimeter of a Citadel, while not being directly based within it. In both Stygia and the Shadowlands, they often employ Adjusters (and occasionally Centurions) to act as their spies and informants, since the “need to know” is vital to the performance of their duties. This position is a training ground for the arcane politics of the higher ranks of the Hierarchy. Many Ministers use their positions to instill a healthy dose of fear in their underlings, with the design to improve the efficiency of their work. Ministers who display sufficient talent may become Chancellors. Ministers hold the honorary rank of Regent.