Silent Lore x1
Silent Lore x2
- The Silent Legion is made up of those that have died by their own hand; suicide.
- The Quiet Lord rules from the Seat of Quiet.
- Silent Legion serves as a sort of emotional counseling service for the Hierarchy as a whole.
- The Silent Legion encourages their own to gain a semblance of peace.
- The Deathmarks of the Silent Legion can be “felt” more than seen and are not normally visible, the Quiet radiate an almost palpable air of hopelessness.
Silent Lore x3
- The Silent legion has the highest number of Pardoners and Monitors in their ranks.
- Most of the Silent make it a point to know how to fight because of their small numbers.
- Has heard of the Legion's Special Orders.
- The Silent Legion actively helps wraiths find closure for painful fetters.
Silent Lore x4
- Is familiar with the Special Orders.
- Non-Guild Pardoners help in giving the Quiet Lord much insider information.
- Is familiar with famous Silent Legionnaires.
- Many of the Quiet have benefited from the numbing or erasing services provided by a Mnemos.
- The Silent Legion has many ties to various Heretic cults.
Silent Lore x5
- Is probably a member of a Special Order.
- The Silent Legion actually opposed the disbanding of some of the Guilds and a few of the most skilled users of those Guilds’ respective Arcanoi are still trained within the Legion’s ranks.
- The Quiet Lord owes favors to other Dark Kingdoms, for the training of many in his legion.
- Occasional hijackings of supply shipments of the Grim Legion have been known to occur.
- Relations with the Grim and Penitent Legions have been less than cordial, and sporadic military actions have ensued.
- The right-to-die movement in the United States and Europe may have been started by the Quiet Lord in order to “get the jump” on souls that would belong to the Iron and Skeletal Legions.
Based On Information In: The Book of Legions, White Wolf Publishing Inc. Copyright 1998