Skeletal Legion
Skeletal Legion Symbol

Members Died From: Viral and bacterial disease, cancer, starvation, dehydration, radiation sickness, genetic defects, long-term chemical damage. Excluded are: poison, sudden deaths from heart disease, and stroke. Coma is a case-by-case basis.

Deathmarks: Variety, however a common one is series of dark lines on the backs of the hands, running from the gap between the fingers up to the wrists, suggesting a bony hand. On some wraiths the ribs appear in the same manner. All have appearance of wasting illness.

Common Views/Ideas: Many are “happy” to be dead because their last months on earth were spent wasting away from some painful illness. In general the members of the Skeletal Legion have fewer regrets and less ties to the living world because they knew death was coming and have often come to terms with it long ago. Also, on average, Fetters and Passions are not as strong for Skeletal wraiths. They tend to be more melancholy which suits them better for clerical government jobs vs. military.

Disease Chic: Certain illnesses are “hipper” or “better” than others. Such as cancer is boring, but Tuberculosis is eroticized (see Info packet for more examples). Disease in the underworld isn’t contagious, but one small faction of Heretics searches out AIDS victims (consider AIDS wrath of God) to punish. They must be closely protected.

Views of Others:

Grim: Conflict because Grim is the other most powerful Legion.

Silent & Iron: Subtly adversarial due to disputes over souls.

Paupers: Something of an ally.

Emerald: Being cultivated; skeletal military has specific orders to aid members of the Emerald Legion in need.

Renegades: “Any who dispute the authority of Charon shall be hunted and brought to trial.” If they recant: enthralled, otherwise they are sent to forges. Those who disagree with Hierarchy policy but still recognize Charon’s wisdom are ignored.

Heretics: Tolerated because Skeletal Lord believes himself to be embodiment of Biblical metaphor. Holding beliefs is not considered crime worth prosecuting, but public expression is discouraged.

Charon: He has not fallen, merely walks the world learning and will return.

Supernaturals: Vampires, werewolves, and mages are ignorable threats, and changelings are simply ignorable. However, if one is encountered they are to be captured and sent to the Deathlord for interrogation. Unless they can prove their worth alive, their physical limitations are tested until destruction.

Arcanoi:Legion’s regulations regarding the arts of the Dead have a direct correlation with the Legion’s relationship with the Guilds. Thus lower level wraiths don’t understand why they are ordered to roust one group of “conspirators” and not another.

Encouraged: Argos, Castigate, Inhabit, and Moliate. Less Appreciated: Fatalism, Keening, Phantasm, and Usury. Not forbidden but Guild association with these is.

Forbidden: Embody, Intimation, Lifeweb, Outrage, Puppetry, Flux and Pandemonium. Use is punished with enthrallment, at best.

Entirely Banned: Mnemosynis.


Civil Service: Extensive with a department for everything (i.e., Lost & Found all the way up to External Affairs). Most wraiths will hold government jobs in some form.

Military: Until this century, many soldiers died from disease, thus the military is large and most soldiers act as if they have something to prove since they died “dishonorable” deaths.

General Service: Blanket term for wraiths that do not hold government jobs such as: shopkeepers, entertainers, Pathos-harvesters, writers, bums, riffraff, and other miscellany.

Created By:
"Sultry":Former AICC-Wraith, Crimson Triangle &
Greg Stuessel:Former ARST-Wraith South Central Region, U.S.A.
Created On: 2/1/01
Based on Information In: The Book of Legions, White Wolf Publishing Inc. Copyright 1998