Skeletal Lore x 1
Penitent Lore x 2
- The Skeletal Lord rules from The Tower of Bone.
- Many of Legion’s members are happy to be dead.
- Knows the Skeletal Lords other names: The Gaunt Man and “Mr. Bonyhands”.
- Rule-by-committee is discouraged in the Skeletal Legion.
- Know that the legion's members died by disease or sickness.
Penitent Lore x 3
- Within the Legion, certain illnesses are regarded as being “hipper,” “classier,” “sexier,” or simply “better” than others and knows what they are.
- Has heard of the Legion's Special Orders.
- Understands the organization of the Skeletal Legion at the Necropolis level.
- Single leaders at each level have full power to make decisions
Penitent Lore x 4
- Is familiar with the Special Orders.
- Knows the Skeletal Lord maintains a subtly adversarial relationship with the Ashen Lady and the Quiet Lord, due mostly to disputes over souls.
- Skeletal Anacreons have near total autonomy in their territory.
- The Heretics are tolerated among the Skeletal Legion.
Pauper Lore x 5
- Is probably a member of a Special Order.
- The Skeletal military has specific orders to aid members of the Emerald Legion in need.
- Every word spoken by the Skeletal Lord is written down in Journals of Bone and stored in vaults deep beneath his tower.
- The Skeletal Lord has ordered occasional waylaid Grim patrols and some espionage.
- Has been able to read some of the Journals of Bone
- The Skeletal Lord keeps a very close, very secret relationship with the Haunters and Alchemists.
- Knows the Skeletal Lord is insane and believes that he is the literal, Biblical embodiment of Pestilence.
Based On Information In: The Book of Legions, White Wolf Publishing Inc. Copyright 1998