The Unlidded Eye

here are certain groups who still stand outside the Legions, orders of wraiths who reported only to Charon and who, even now, await his return. The Unlidded Eye is one such order, and no other grouping of wraiths strikes such fear into the hearts of all who dwell in Stygia or the Shadowlands. Simply put, the Unlidded Eye is the best of the best – and the worst of the worst. It is comprised of the brightest, most dedicated, most fanatical, most talented and most ruthless wraiths Stygia has to offer and it takes and molds these wraiths into the auto-immune system of the Stygian body politic.

The Eye was empowered by Charon himself, and to date no Deathlord has dared to try to rescind that authorization. So a member of the Unlidded Eye can requisition any Artifact or troops he needs. He can give orders countermanding those of an Anacreon. He can command that prominent wraiths be soulforged, or that thralls be raised from chains, all for the good of Stygia – and he will be obeyed.

For the Unlidded Eye exists to protect Stygia from all threats, external and internal, and it does so with a ruthless efficiency that makes even Spectres sit back and take notice. Any wraith that is perceived as being a danger to the Empire by the Eye’s innumerable informants and spies is summarily dealt with. The lucky ones are soulforged. The rest – well, simply say that the torturers of Stygia have had centuries in which to get creative.

Recruitment into the Eye is secretive. Supposedly, the crčme de la crčme of each Legion is taken every so often, when the Eye feels the need for reinforcements. Some say that Renegades and Heretics have been inducted as well, brainwashed by Mnemoi and honed like blades for their new existence. There are even those who say that the Eye has a few Spectres tucked away, for what purpose they alone know.

As might be expected, representatives of the Eye do not bother to answer these accusations.

Training to become a fully-fledged member of the Unlidded Eye is rumored to take between three and five decades. During that time, a new recruit is taught a host of Arcanoi, not to mention being trained in assorted weapons and unarmed combat styles. Furthermore, she is taken to other Dark Kingdoms and in some cases into the Labyrinth itself. Years are also spent in the bureaucracy of Stygia, as the Order well knows that the hidden enemy is the more dangerous one. The faceless clerk whose Shadow has tempted him to divert needed weapons to the black market can be more dangerous to the Empire than any Spectre ravening at the walls, and every member of the Eye needs to know how to spot – and stop – that sort of traitor.

OOC: Members of the Unlidded Eye are NPC’s ONLY and brought into play by high-level authorization. The best IC advice about the Unlidded Eye - avoid them at all costs. The kid gloves have been taken off. People complain at the treatment of their PCs at the hands of The Eye. This is the wake up call: these NPC’s are designed to judge and to kill. They are not designed to provide detailed role-play encounters for your characters. They are not designed to give a damn about your PC. Your PC is an annoyance to them. If you are playing a PC and a member of The Unlidded Eye enters your story, be aware that from that moment until it leaves your character’s story, you may be killed at anytime for any IC reason. And as many as need to be sent, will be sent to deal with the problem that summoned them. No one knows how many members the Eye has, but rest assured it is enough. You are now roleplaying with the underworld’s most deadly creatures.